Senin, 25 Mei 2009


Industry has begin to recognize the need for quality improvement and increase in productivity in the sixties and seventies. Flexibility also became a major concern (ability to change a process quickly became very important in order to satisfy consumer needs).

Try to imagine automated industrial production line in the sixties and seventies. There was always a huge electrical board for system controls, and not infrequently it covered an entire wall! Within this board there was a great number of interconnected electromechanical relays to make the whole system work. By word "connected" it was understood that electrician had to connect all relays manually using wires! An engineer would design logic for a system, and electricians would receive a schematic outline of logic that they had to implement with relays. These relay schemas often contained hundreds of relays. The plan that electrician was given was called "ladder schematic". Ladder displayed all switches, sensors, motors, valves, relays, etc. found in the system. Electrician's job was to connect them all together. One of the problems with this type of control was that it was based on mechanical relays. Mechanical instruments were usually the weakest connection in the system due to their moveable parts that could wear out. If one relay stopped working, electrician would have to examine an entire system (system would be out until a cause of the problem was found and corrected).

The other problem with this type of control was in the system's break period when a system had to be turned off, so connections could be made on the electrical board. If a firm decided to change the order of operations (make even a small change), it would turn out to be a major expense and a loss of production time until a system was functional again.

It's not hard to imagine an engineer who makes a few small errors during his project. It is also conceivable that electrician has made a few mistakes in connecting the system. Finally, you can also imagine having a few bad components. The only way to see if everything is all right is to run the system. As systems are usually not perfect with a first try, finding errors was an arduous process. You should also keep in mind that a product could not be made during these corrections and changes in connections. System had to be literally disabled before changes were to be performed. That meant that the entire production staff in that line of production was out of work until the system was fixed up again. Only when electrician was done finding errors and repairing,, the system was ready for production. Expenditures for this kind of work were too great even for well-to-do companies.

First Programmable Logic Controllers ( PLC )

"General Motors" is among the first who recognized a need to replace the system's "wired" control board. Increased competition forced auto-makers to improve production quality and productivity. Flexibility and fast and easy change of automated lines of production became crucial! General Motors' idea was to use for system logic one of the microcomputers (these microcomputers were as far as their strength beneath today's eight-bit microcontrollers) instead of wired relays. Computer could take place of huge, expensive, inflexible wired control boards. If changes were needed in system logic or in order of operations, program in a microcomputer could be changed instead of rewiring of relays. Imagine only what elimination of the entire period needed for changes in wiring meant then. Today, such thinking is but common, then it was revolutionary!

Everything was well thought out, but then a new problem came up of how to make electricians accept and use a new device. Systems are often quite complex and require complex programming. It was out of question to ask electricians to learn and use computer language in addition to other job duties. General Motors Hidromatic Division of this big company recognized a need and wrote out project criteria for first programmable logic controller ( there were companies which sold instruments that performed industrial control, but those were simple sequential controllers û not PLC controllers as we know them today). Specifications required that a new device be based on electronic instead of mechanical parts, to have flexibility of a computer, to function in industrial environment (vibrations, heat, dust, etc.) and have a capability of being reprogrammed and used for other tasks. The last criteria was also the most important, and a new device had to be programmed easily and maintained by electricians and technicians. When the specification was done, General Motors looked for interested companies, and encouraged them to develop a device that would meet the specifications for this project.

"Gould Modicon" developed a first device which met these specifications. The key to success with a new device was that for its programming you didn't have to learn a new programming language. It was programmed so that same language ûa ladder diagram, already known to technicians was used. Electricians and technicians could very easily understand these new devices because the logic looked similar to old logic that they were used to working with. Thus they didn't have to learn a new programming language which (obviously) proved to be a good move. PLC controllers were initially called PC controllers (programmable controllers). This caused a small confusion when Personal Computers appeared. To avoid confusion, a designation PC was left to computers, and programmable controllers became programmable logic controllers. First PLC controllers were simple devices. They connected inputs such as switches, digital sensors, etc., and based on internal logic they turned output devices on or off. When they first came up, they were not quite suitable for complicated controls such as temperature, position, pressure, etc. However, throughout years, makers of PLC controllers added numerous features and improvements. Today's PLC controller can handle highly complex tasks such as position control, various regulations and other complex applications. The speed of work and easiness of programming were also improved. Also, modules for special purposes were developed, like communication modules for connecting several PLC controllers to the net. Today it is difficult to imagine a task that could not be handled by a PLC.

Components of Programmable Logic Controllers ( PLC )

PLC is actually an industrial microcontroller system (in more recent times we meet processors instead of microcontrollers) where you have hardware and software specifically adapted to industrial environment. Block schema with typical components which PLC consists of is found in the following picture. Special attention needs to be given to input and output, because in these blocks you find protection needed in isolating a CPU blocks from damaging influences that industrial environment can bring to a CPU via input lines. Program unit is usually a computer used for writing a program (often in ladder diagram).

Central Processing Unit – CPU of Programmable Logic Controllers ( PLC )

Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the brain of a PLC controller. CPU itself is usually one of the microcontrollers. Aforetime these were 8-bit microcontrollers such as 8051, and now these are 16- and 32-bit microcontrollers. Unspoken rule is that you'll find mostly Hitachi and Fujicu microcontrollers in PLC controllers by Japanese makers, Siemens in European controllers, and Motorola microcontrollers in American ones. CPU also takes care of communication, interconnectedness among other parts of PLC controller, program execution, memory operation, overseeing input and setting up of an output. PLC controllers have complex routines for memory checkup in order to ensure that PLC memory was not damaged (memory checkup is done for safety reasons). Generally speaking, CPU unit makes a great number of check-ups of the PLC controller itself so eventual errors would be discovered early. You can simply look at any PLC controller and see that there are several indicators in the form of light diodes for error signalization.

Memory of Programmable Logic Controllers ( PLC )

System memory (today mostly implemented in FLASH technology) is used by a PLC for an process control system. Aside from this operating system it also contains a user program translated from a ladder diagram to a binary form. FLASH memory contents can be changed only in case where user program is being changed. PLC controllers were used earlier instead of FLASH memory and have had EPROM memory instead of FLASH memory which had to be erased with UV lamp and programmed on programmers. With the use of FLASH technology this process was greatly shortened. Reprogramming a program memory is done through a serial cable in a program for application development.

User memory is divided into blocks having special functions. Some parts of a memory are used for storing input and output status. The real status of an input is stored either as "1" or as "0" in a specific memory bit. Each input or output has one corresponding bit in memory. Other parts of memory are used to store variable contents for variables used in user program. For example, timer value, or counter value would be stored in this part of the memory.

Programming of Programmable Logic Controllers ( PLC )

PLC controller can be reprogrammed through a computer (usual way), but also through manual programmers (consoles). This practically means that each PLC controller can programmed through a computer if you have the software needed for programming. Today's transmission computers are ideal for reprogramming a PLC controller in factory itself. This is of great importance to industry. Once the system is corrected, it is also important to read the right program into a PLC again. It is also good to check from time to time whether program in a PLC has not changed. This helps to avoid hazardous situations in factory rooms (some automakers have established communication networks which regularly check programs in PLC controllers to ensure execution only of good programs).

Almost every program for programming a PLC controller possesses various useful options such as: forced switching on and off of the system inputs/ouputs (I/O lines), program follow up in real time as well as documenting a diagram. This documenting is necessary to understand and define failures and malfunctions. Programmer can add remarks, names of input or output devices, and comments that can be useful when finding errors, or with system maintenance. Adding comments and remarks enables any technician (and not just a person who developed the system) to understand a ladder diagram right away. Comments and remarks can even quote precisely part numbers if replacements would be needed. This would speed up a repair of any problems that come up due to bad parts. The old way was such that a person who developed a system had protection on the program, so nobody aside from this person could understand how it was done. Correctly documented ladder diagram allows any technician to understand thoroughly how system functions.

Power supply of Programmable Logic Controllers ( PLC )

Electrical supply is used in bringing electrical energy to central processing unit. Most PLC controllers work either at 24 VDC or 220 VAC. On some PLC controllers you'll find electrical supply as a separate module. Those are usually bigger PLC controllers, while small and medium series already contain the supply module. User has to determine how much current to take from I/O module to ensure that electrical supply provides appropriate amount of current. Different types of modules use different amounts of electrical current.

This electrical supply is usually not used to start external inputs or outputs. User has to provide separate supplies in starting PLC controller inputs or outputs because then you can ensure so called "pure" supply for the PLC controller. With pure supply we mean supply where industrial environment can not affect it damagingly. Some of the smaller PLC controllers supply their inputs with voltage from a small supply source already incorporated into a PLC.

Inputs of Programmable Logic Controllers ( PLC )

Intelligence of an automated system depends largely on the ability of a PLC controller to read signals from different types of sensors and input devices. Keys, keyboards and by functional switches are a basis for man versus machine relationship. On the other hand, in order to detect a working piece, view a mechanism in motion, check pressure or fluid level you need specific automatic devices such as proximity sensors, marginal switches, photoelectric sensors, level sensors, etc. Thus, input signals can be logical (on/off) or analogue. Smaller PLC controllers usually have only digital input lines while larger also accept analogue inputs through special units attached to PLC controller. One of the most frequent analogue signals are a current signal of 4 to 20 mA and milivolt voltage signal generated by various sensors. Sensors are usually used as inputs for PLCs. You can obtain sensors for different purposes. They can sense presence of some parts, measure temperature, pressure, or some other physical dimension, etc. (ex. inductive sensors can register metal objects).

Other devices also can serve as inputs to PLC controller. Intelligent devices such as robots, video systems, etc. often are capable of sending signals to PLC controller input modules (robot, for instance, can send a signal to PLC controller input as information when it has finished moving an object from one place to the other.)

Input adjustment interface of Programmable Logic Controllers ( PLC )

Adjustment interface also called an interface is placed between input lines and a CPU unit. The purpose of adjustment interface to protect a CPU from disproportionate signals from an outside world. Input adjustment module turns a level of real logic to a level that suits CPU unit (ex. input from a sensor which works on 24 VDC must be converted to a signal of 5 VDC in order for a CPU to be able to process it). This is typically done through opto-isolation, and this function you can view in the following picture. Opto-isolation means that there is no electrical connection between external world and CPU unit. They are "optically" separated, or in other words, signal is transmitted through light. The way this works is simple. External device brings a signal which turns LED on, whose light in turn incites photo transistor which in turn starts conducting, and a CPU sees this as logic zero (supply between collector and transmitter falls under 1V). When input signal stops LED diode turns off, transistor stops conducting, collector voltage increases, and CPU receives logic 1 as information.

Output of Programmable Logic Controllers ( PLC )

Automated system is incomplete if it is not connected with some output devices. Some of the most frequently used devices are motors, solenoids, relays, indicators, sound signalization and similar. By starting a motor, or a relay, PLC can manage or control a simple system such as system for sorting products all the way up to complex systems such as service system for positioning head of CNC machine. Output can be of analogue or digital type. Digital output signal works as a switch; it connects and disconnects line. Analogue output is used to generate the analogue signal (ex. motor whose speed is controlled by a voltage that corresponds to a desired speed).

Output adjustment interface of Programmable Logic Controllers ( PLC )

Output interface is similar to input interface. CPU brings a signal to LED diode and turns it on. Light incites a photo transistor which begins to conduct electricity, and thus the voltage between collector and emmiter falls to 0.7V , and a device attached to this output sees this as a logic zero. Inversely it means that a signal at the output exists and is interpreted as logic one. Photo transistor is not directly connected to a PLC controller output. Between photo transistor and an output usually there is a relay or a stronger transistor capable of interrupting stronger signals.

Extension lines of Programmable Logic Controllers ( PLC )

Every PLC controller has a limited number of input/output lines. If needed this number can be increased through certain additional modules by system extension through extension lines. Each module can contain extension both of input and output lines. Also, extension modules can have inputs and outputs of a different nature from those on the PLC controller (ex. in case relay outputs are on a controller, transistor outputs can be on an extension module).

PLC controller output lines

Aside from transistor outputs in PNP and NPN connections, PLC can also have relays as outputs. Existence of relays as outputs makes it easier to connect with external devices. There a 4 relays whose functional contacts are taken out on a PLC controller housing in the form of screw terminals. In reality this looks as in

PLC controller input lines

Different sensors, keys, switches and other elements that can change status of a joined bit at PLC input can be hooked up to the PLC controller inputs. In order to realize a change, we need a voltage source to incite an input. The simplest possible input would be a common key. Source of direct voltage of 24V, the same source can be used to incite input (problem with this source is its maximum current which it can give continually and which in our case amounts to 0.2A). Since inputs to a PLC are not big consumers (unlike some sensor where a stronger external supply must be used) it is possible to take advantage of the existing source of direct supply to incite all six keys.

Selasa, 12 Mei 2009

Politikus Islam Sejati

Assalaamu'alaikum wr wb
Politikus dalam Demokrasi

Bagi masyarakat yang telah terbiasa hidup dalam jargon demokrasi, istilah politikus dipandang hanya untuk mereka yang terlibat dalam urusan pemerintahan, parlemen atau partai-partai politik yang melibatkan diri dalam pemilu untuk meraih kursi kekuasaan. Diluar ranah aktivitas tersebut, bukanlah aktivitas politik.

Lebih dari itu, demokrasi telah mengentalkan brand image seorang politikus sebagaimana fenomena para politikus ala Machiavellis. Para diktator-diktator besar seperti Hitler, Mustapha Kemal dan sederetan penguasa licik, jahat dan keji adalah murid-murid teladan yang menerapkan dengan sangat baik ”The Prince”, buku panduan para politikus, karya besar Machiavellis dalam sejarah Kapitalisme.

Akhirnya, mayoritas kaum muslimin pun memandang politik dan politikus dengan sudut pandang keliru ini. Politik dipandang sebagai aktivitas kotor dan alat keji yang jauh dari sifat akhlaqul karimah seorang muslim. Bahkan sadar ataupun tidak, seorang politikus muslim yang awalnya memiliki motivasi tulus untuk memperbaiki kondisi masyarakat yang buruk, terperosok juga ke dalam langkah-langkah Machiavellis.

Dalam standar Machiavellis: ” Tujuan Menghalalkan Segala Cara”. Alam demokrasi telah menjebak manusia untuk mengkompromikan kebenaran dengan kebathilan. Demokracy is from the people, by the people and for the people, istilah yang dipopulerkan oleh Abraham Lincoln dan kini telah mengglobal di bawah payung Amerika Serikat. Ketika suara rakyat menjadi Tuhan, maka Hukum Syariat tidak boleh menjadi ukuran.

Demokrasi telah mendoktrin masyarakat untuk tidak menyebut-nyebut agama dalam pengaturan kehidupan bernegara. Hal ini melahirkan kalangan muslim yang anti politik, sebagai akibat citra kotor aktivitas politik. Namun di sisi lain, muncul para politikus muslim yang terjebak untuk berkompromi. Tak jarang terdengar penolakan kalangan ini terhadap istilah agama dan syariat. Mereka lebih merasa mulia mengemban istilah politikus demokratis dibandingkan dengan politikus Islam.

Politikus Islam Sejati

Fakta dan kebenaran sejarah telah mengungkapkan bahwa Suri Tauladan, Rasulullah Saw adalah seorang Politikus besar. Bahkan Michael H. Hart, cendekiawan As, Penulis buku 100 Tokoh Paling Berpengaruh dalam Sejarah, telah menempatkan Nabi Muhammad Saw sebagai Tokoh Nomor Satu Paling Berpengaruh dalam Sejarah. Hart mengatakan bahwa Muhammad Saw bukan semata pemimpin keagamaan, namun juga pemimpin duniawi. Kepemimpinan politiknya senantiasa berada terdepan sepanjang waktu.

Islam memang bukan agama yang hanya bersifat ruhiyah (spiritual), namun juga siyasiyah (politik). Terlaksananya seluruh hukum Islam (secara Kaffah) yang termaktub dalam Al Qur’an dan Al Hadits, hanya terwujud dalam bentuk Institusi Negara. Ada hukum-hukum Islam yang beban pelaksanaannya hanya ada di tangan negara, seperti perekonomian, peradilan, persanksian, pemerintahan dan lain-lain. Pelaksanaan hukum ini tidak di tangan perseorangan, sekelompok masyarakat atau partai, namun hanya di tangan Negara. Dengan demikian setiap muslim yang menyadari bahwa Islam harus diterapkan secara Kaffah, akan memahami bahwa politik dan perjuangan politik menjadi hal yang sangat penting. Rasulullah Saw adalah Pejuang Politik yang dengan Perjuangan Politiknya telah berhasil menegakkan Negara Islam di madinah dan dengan institusi Negara tersebut perjuangan dakwah Islam meluas ke seluruh penjuru dunia.

Islam telah menggariskan makna politik sebagai pengaturan urusan umat baik di dalam maupun luar negeri. Negara sebagai pihak yang mengurus kepentingan umat, sementara umat berperan melakukan koreksi terhadap pemerintah. Dalam sebuah hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh Hakim dan al-Khatib dari Hudzaifah ra, disebutkan bahwa ”barangsiapa yang bangun pagi dan tidak memperhatikan urusan kaum muslimin, maka ia tidak termasuk golongan mereka (kaum muslimin).” Hadits ini menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas mengurusi urusan umat adalah kewajiban seluruh kaum muslimin. Hal ini juga mengindikasikan wajibnya setiap muslim untuk berpolitik.

Di dalam Islam, seorang politikus tidak harus mereka yang memegang wewenang kekuasaan atau jabatan pemerintahan. Politikus juga bukan berarti mereka yang sarjana lulusan ilmu politik atau pemerintahan. Politikus adalah setiap mereka yang memiliki kepedulian dan kepekaan terhadap problematika umat. Politikus adalah mereka yang memiliki kesadaran bahwa pengaturan seluruh urusan umat seharusnya dilaksanakan sesuai hukum-hukum syariat Islam. Politikus berarti mereka yang terjun langsung mengurusi urusan umat dan mengetahui bagaimana seharusnya penguasa mengatur umatnya sesuai syariat Islam.

Beberapa hal yang merupakan aktivitas politik adalah: 1) Menentang kebijakan penguasa yang zholim, meluruskan mereka agar tidak menyimpang dari penerapan syariat Islam; 2) menegakkan amar ma’ruf nahi munkar kepada penguasa yang zholim; 3) memberikan kesadaran politik kepada masyarakat agar segala urusan mereka tegak di atas aqidah Islam dan bersandarkan pada syariat Islam. Dalam kondisi belum tegaknya Daulah Islam/ Khilafah Islamiyah, aktivitas politik yang paling penting adalah memperjuangkan tegaknya Khilafah Islamiyah, sebagai institusi yang berwenang menerapkan hukum-hukum Allah Swt. Rasulullah Saw telah memberikan suri tauladan bagaimana perjuangan politik menegakkan negara Islam. Diawali dari upaya membangun benih dakwah di Mekah, selanjutnya dakwah menyebar hingga menemukan tempat yang kondusif untuk menjadi benih negara Islam yang menerapkan seluruh hukum-hukum Allah Swt, dan yang menjadi negara pengemban dakwah Islam ke seluruh penjuru dunia.

Dengan demikian, seorang politikus bisa jadi adalah para pedagang di pasar, petani di sawah, karyawan di pabrik, guru di sekolah, sopir-sopir angkutan, penjual sayur keliling bahkan para ibu rumah tangga. Dengan catatan mereka adalah orang-orang yang memiliki kesadaran politik Islam (sudut pandang berdasarkan aqidah Islam), memiliki kepedulian terhadap urusan umat dan melakukan aktivitas politik.

Para shahabat dalam perjuangan politik bersama Rasulullah Saw di Mekah, juga menjadi pemanggul dagangan mereka ke pasar sebagaimana yang dilakukan Abu Bakar, menggembala ternak dan menempa besi-besi. Namun mereka senantiasa aktif menyampaikan dakwah Islam kepada masyarakat, mendebat pemuka-pemuka Quraisy atau mengungkap makar mereka kepada masyarakat. Mereka adalah politikus sejati yang menjadikan kehidupan dakwah sebagai poros seluruh aktivitas kehidupan.

Para Politikus Muslimah dalam Sejarah

Telah tercatat dengan tinta emas sejarah, beberapa aktivitas politik para shahabiyah. Antara lain yang pernah dilakukan oleh Asma’ binti Abu Bakar. Ia dengan beraninya telah mengantarkan perbekalan kepada ayahnya Abu Bakar dan Rasulullah Saw yang saat itu bersembunyi di Gua Tsur dalam perjalanan hijrah mereka ke madinah. Apa yang dilakukan Asma’ memiliki resiko yang sangat besar apabila diketahui oleh orang-orang Kafir Quraisy. Asma’ telah melakukan tugas politik yang penting, karena saat itu Rasulullah Saw telah dinanti-nanti oleh penduduk Madinah untuk menjadi pemimpin Negara Madinah, negara Islam pertama yang menjadi benih pertama Peradaban Islam.

Asma’ binti Yazid al-Asyhaliyah, juru bicara kaum wanita telah menyampaikan isi hati kaum wanita kepada Rasulullah Saw yang saat itu menjadi Kepala Negara Islam. Asma menanyakan tentang kedudukan dan nilai peran wanita di hadapan kaum laki-laki. Saat itu Asma’ berbicara di hadapan forum yang juga dihadiri oleh para shahabat (laki-laki). Apa yang dilakukan Asma’ mendapatkan pujian Rasulullah Saw.

Seorang muslimah di masa pemerintahan Khalifah Umar bin Khaththab telah mengkritik kebijakan Umar tentang pembatasan jumlah mahar. Muslimah ini menyampaikan apa yang ada dalam al-Qur’an tentang tidak adanya batasan mahar bagi kaum wanita. Saat itu pula Khalifah Umar langsung mencabut kembali kebijakannya dan mengatakan,”wanita ini benar dan umar yang salah.”

Demikianlah masih banyak lagi tauladan para shahabiyah dalam melakukan aktivitas politik. Merekalah tauladan politikus perempuan. Mereka menyampaikan pendapat, menegakkan ’amar ma’ruf nahi munkar, mengkritik kebijakan penguasa, melakukan pembinaan kaum muslimah dan yang lebih penting lagi melahirkan generasi pemimpin Islam yang cerdas, tangguh dan gemilang. Sebagaimana yang telah dibuktikan dengan kecemerlangan kepemimpinan Hasan dan Husain bin Ali bin abi Thalib, Abdullah bin Zubair, Umar bin Abdul Aziz dan pemimpin-pemimpin muslim lainnya, melalui kerja keras pembinaan anak usia dini dari para ibu mereka. Sebuah peran berdimensi politik yang tak tergantikan oleh sekolah kependidikan politik manapun [Ir. Lathifah Musa, April 2009] VoI

Sabtu, 09 Mei 2009

Pendidikan ala Kapitalis

Suatu hari …

“Dasar kamu! Punya kelakuan nggak tahu malu!? Percuma Papi-Mami nyekolahin kamu! Udah bayar mahal, berjuta-juta! Tapi apa yang bisa kami banggain dari kamu?!”

Pernah diomelin kayak gitu ama kedua ortumu? Bikin kamu tambah gondok, kesel dan pengen tereak ama dunia kalo sekolah emang membosankan! Makanya kamu lebih demen bolos, tawuran, cari gebetan, or sibuk ama aktivitas yang selama ini memang bikin kreativitas kamu kian terasah tapi tuh aktivitas nggak didemenin ama ortu. Sekolah sendiri nggak ngasih tempat buat mengasahnya. So, kamu pun nggak peduli lagi walaupun sekolah bayarnya mahal en punya sejuta fasilitas lengkap. Wooo, dahsyat! Tapi emm… jangan merasa dibela dulu deh ama tulisan gue hehehe tapi jadiin motivasi buat menuntut ilmu. Oke?

Yakz! Jujur nih, sebenernya sekolahan sekarang apalagi yang ada di kota-kota besar udah pada lengkap buat segala tingkat ekonomi juga tingkat usia. Ada yang buat para borju, kelas menengah ampe yang kelas bawah. Ada kelompok bermain yang nerapin Pendidikan Usia Dini (PAUD) juga TK terus Paket A, B, C & Sekolah Terbuka juga? SD, SMP, SMA dan Madrasah yang sederajat tapi sekarang lagi ’stuck’ ama kurikulum KTSP (nggak tahu nih mendiknas baru bakal pake kurikulum apa?) bahkan SLB juga Perguruan Tinggi pun udah bertebaran di mana-mana. Selaen itu juga ada yang sekolahnya di rumah. Itu tuh..homeschooling or rumah singgah juga UT alias Universitas Terbuka. Belum lagi pondok-pondok pesantren en Sekolah Islam terpadu juga Boarding School (sekolah berasrama). Pokoknya pemerintah udah nyediain lengkap wadah pendidikan formal dan informal.

Nah, ternyata kerennya fasilitas sekolahan juga nggak jauh-jauh dari yang namanya duit. So, jangan heran yang namanya sekolah favorit (baca: lengkap fasilitasnya) udah pasti perlu duit banyak buat masuk ke sono. Jadi, ya biarpun pemerintah udah nyediain solusi ’sekolah gratis ada di mana-mana’? buat pelengkap dana Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS), ya tetep aja belum ada pemerataan fasilitas sekolah. Apalagi sekolah gratis ternyata cuma berlaku buat SD dan SMP (nggak termasuk yang berstandar internasional). Belum lagi para guru yang dikejar-kejar sertifikasi? biar bisa dapet tunjangan ‘lebih’ akhirnya kudu kuliah lagi minimal S1. Mana kuliah, mana tetep kudu ngajar, kudu ikutan apapun seminar pendidikan yang ada biar dapet sertifikat. Yah, duit lagi, duit lagi. Apa itu kekurangan dari pendidikan di negeri kita ya?? Hummm…

Belajarlah sejak dini

Waktu kecil Papi-Mami ngebimbing kita, terus ngajarin gimana jalan, ngomong yang baek, sopan-santun ama orang laen. Ngerasa nggak? Terus, bertambah usia, pelajaran usia dini yang kita terima semakin banyak. Diajakin shalat berjamaah, berwudhu, nyanyi lagu yang asik buat anak-anak, nonton film-film juga maen games yang positif dan banyak lagi!

Al-Abdary nulis dalam kitabnya Madkhalusi asy-Syar’i asy-Syarif justru protes nih ama para ortu en wali anak yang ngirim anak-anaknya sekolah di usia kurang dari tujuh tahun!? Pada usia 4-5 tahun justru adalah usia yang rawan buat ngajarin membaca coz dapat melemahkan tubuh en akal pikiran si anak.

Jadi, sebenernya sih kudu disesuaikan tuh apa yang kudu diajarkan buat anak usia dini. Apalasi di masa-masa golden age yah umur balita gitu deh, kudu digencarkan yang namanya ’stimulasi’ Apaan tuh? Masih sodaraan ama imunisasi? Hehehe.. stimulasi tuh artinya rangsangan. Soalnya emang usia segitu masih belum boleh dipaksa, masih masa bermain dan mengenal apa yang dia pengen tahu. Jadi kalo ingin ngebentuk kepribadian (pola pikir en jiwa) anak, usia segitu yah masih dalam tahap ‘rangsang’. Belum saatnya ‘di-judge‘. So, sebagai ortu ya kudu sabar (huhu..sabar sabar!) buat jadi contoh teladan berakhlakul karimah bagi anak-anaknya.

Kadang-kadang yang gue temuin di lapangan (emang mo maen bola?), justru anak-anak balita diserahin bulet-bulet ke playgroup or TK ternama dengan harapan para guru bisa nyulap tuh anak biar jadi anak yang pinter, shaleh-shalihah, manut ke ortu, de el el, bla bla bla nggak peduli berapa jeti pun duit bakal keluar dari kantong para ortu.

Bro en Sis, di jalam dulu negara (khilafah) ngijinin tuh swasta/masyarakat buat bikin tempat anak-anak bermain sebagai stimulasi untuk mengenal angka, huruf latin en al-Quran dan lain-lain. Tapi buat ngajarin angka dan huruf dalam bentuk harfiah, artinya buat belajar bisa nulis, baca dan berhitung tetep kudu pada usia minimal 6 tahun menurut Ustadz Abu Yasin dalam kitabnya Usus at-Ta’lim fi Daulah al Khilafah dan 7 tahun menurut Syekh Abdurahman al-Baghdadi dalam kitabnya Sistem Pendidikan di Masa Khilafah Islam. Kok bisa 7 tahun? Coz, pemikiran anak pada usia segitu udah mulai berkembang (bunga kali…) dan Islam mengharuskan ortu or wali anak buat ngajarin shalat dan berakhlakul karimah.

Sabda Rasulullah saw.: “Perintahkanlah anak-anak mengerjakan shalat di kala mereka berusia 7 tahun dan pukullah mereka apabila meninggalkan shalat pada usia sepuluh tahun, dan pisahkanlah tempat tidur mereka pada usia tersebut” (HR al-Hakim dan Abu Dawud dari Abdullah bin Amer bin Ash)

Who give school a bad name

Yupz, sebenernya nggak sepenuhnya kalo sekolah itu ngebosenin. Tapi kalo bicara sistem pendidikan yang naungin segala aspek pendidikan mulai dari kurikulum, pembiayaan, administrasi, tenaga pendidik, gimana sekolahan yang ideal, ya emang bikin pusing, coz sistemnya udah bikin puyeng duluan!

Gimana nggak puyeng, sekolahan kan sebenernya tempat buat ngedidik manusia (bukan ngedidik robot apalagi ngejadiin siswa sebagai animal test). Tapi sekarang sekolah malah udah jadi barang komoditi alias diperdagangkan. Udah bukan rumpian tetangga lagi tuh kalo mau sekolah kudu punya duit banyak. Walaupun SPP gratis, kudu siap-siap tetep ngeluarin duit untuk seragam, buku-buku, alat-tulis, uang daftar ulang juga uang-uang laennya bakal ada price listnya.

Bahkan, ada tuh sekolahan yang meja en bangku sekolahnya ditarik lagi ama mebeler karena pihak sekolahan nggak lunas bayarnya dan akhirnya belajarnya pun lesehan .. Emangnya duit bangku dilariin kemana tuh? Nah, akhirnya sebelum berangkat atau setelah kelar sekolah, ada tuh temen-temen yang ngasong dagangan atau jadi loper koran, ngamen di jalanan bahkan bantu Papi Maminya jualan sego kucing ampe begadang buat nambah-nambahin buat bayar sekolah.

Bro en Sis, gimana mau ngebentuk akhlakul karimah apalagi jadi orang berilmu kalo sekolahannya mahal bahkan belum tentu dilandasi ama landasan yang bener? Gue nggak bisa ngebayangin nih betapa suramnya negeri ini, masa’ sih buat bisa sekolah ternyata para muslimah cari duit dengan jalan jadi PSK, scoring girl di rumah bilyar, hostess di tempat-tempat karaoke or jadi SPG yang sambil nawarin barang tapi juga mamerin auratnya. Ampyun deh! (gue nggak lebay kan?)

komentar saya
kapitalis uang nomer wahid no money no knowledge,pengalaman pribadi dikampus saya dimana setiap mahasiswa yang belum bayar semester tidak bisa melakukan kontrak mata kuliah atau biasa disebut KRS biasanya formulir untuk KRS disita oleh BAAK karena belum memenuhi persyaratan administrasi alias belum bayaran, jika mahasiswa tidak melakukan KRS atau kena pending yah terpaksa gak bisa kuliah 1 atau 2minggu. Belum lagi UUD BHP yang bikin mahasiswa lebih frustasi dimana kampus menjadi liberal semaunya menentukan kurikulum dan sistem sudah pasti kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia akan menurun dengan adanya UUD BHP

sumber:Gaul Islam